Microaggressions: What To Do?

There are many things that individuals may or may not notice right away. Sometimes we don’t realize what just happened within our surroundings, or the train of thought hits us later on. Microaggressions are one of these things. There is a sense of hesitation and anxiety that can overcome us when we witness microaggressions in front of us. Should I say or do something about it? Should I jump to intervene in the situation? What …

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Language of Color

After centuries of racial pejoratives and terms focusing on the absence of whiteness, the commonly standard term describe those whose ethnicities can be described as something other than white is “person(s) of color.” This is leaps and bounds better than more archaic terms which were used, with “colored” being similar linguistically but becoming pejorative socially and “negro” being a word borrowed from a language other than English, thereby further emphasizing the “otherness” of people of …

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